I've been working on a new piece for June's Patreon. I have a lil preview for you below, but I've had a request, a very hopeful one I might add, for a mermaid and I had done some sketching previously but couldn't come up with anything that inspired me to keep going. But I finally did...  This is still in the sketch phase, the pics here, but the official inking of it is complete...


Today for Artsy Friday I have this pic I shared on IG on Wednesday of some warm up sketching I did. I was playing around with a few expressions on the girls faces... the bottom right is my fav!!! lol! I know I've made that face a time or two... or a million. It kinda reminded me of a comment that was made about eyelids. Yes, eyelids. Someone mentioned that when my Some Odd Girl images have...


I drew up this guys for October this week and while you're not seeing all of it I'm pretty in love with him. I'm not usually a big seasonal person but Fall *is* my favorite. I'm happy its Friday but next week I need to get started on some more digis, CHA goods AND Some Odd Girl's next paper release. AHHHHHH! I'm going to start some behind the scenes on CHA planning and our next release :)...


I have quite a few pieces from my "pencil only" days that I'd love to see in color but cringe at the thought of coloring the original. This past weekend I needed some calm zen time (why is a whole other story) so I had the idea to trace the basic outline of a piece I did in 2009 that fell into the color-cringe category and had at it with my copics, so we have a new coloring of a throwback...


Its Artsy Friday: Friendship edition. Summer vacation for the kiddos started Tuesday so I'm hoping they look just ashappy by September as Tia and Tobie do here. I will be in the fetal position in the corner with my wine... jk. Mostly. Maybe I can use my mental powers to project this on to my kids and in the process save my sanity. heh. Its been a really looooong week where it feels...


Happy Friday everyone! This week I've been making a really big push on getting a lot of images stockpiled for either the coming couple months of Digital releases or for upcoming clear stamp releases. I've been going with kind of a spring summer outdoorsy theme. I really gotten back in the groove after being sick for almost a week and then not being able to draw for another. That's always...


Wow, this is been quite a week. With all the time I spent in bed sick, all my carefully laid blog plans we're for naught. But that doesn't stop me from having a little sketch for you for Artsy Friday! Typically I'm continually drawing, if its not a full image then just a doodle or a quick sketch, but in the times when I can't, sometimes it can be really slow to get back into. This is one of...


Howdy folks! I've been in a crafty slump if you haven't noticed but my drawing mojo hasn't been dampened any weird they're normally so very co-dependent that I think they should get a room So until I can recover my mojo and I'm really trying! you'll have a lot more sketches and stuff out of me.I hope you don't mind! this sketch is of my daughter, though right now I'm imaging its my...


If you're not into zombies look away now :) I've started a 30 Day Drawing Challenge on Instagram (I'm on all of day 4 lol) and this was from day 2. I kind of double dipped and combined the challenge for the day of "draw someone you like" with an art trade with @cavemankidd to zombify each other. I like zombies! It seemed perfect :) I started off by a doing a quick sketch in Grey...


I have a little sketch to share today! Not sure where the inspiration on this originated, but its was really fun and zen to work out all the hair loopys. I'm going to ink this and the color it with the stars illuminated, not sure beyond that. What are you going to be working on this weekend? Anything? ...