
It has been a rough week around here. Not as rough as some I know (seriously) but without creating a woe as me post chronicling it instead I went looking for a pick me up and some motivation to climb back thru what’s on my plate to get done and finally get caught up then ahead.

I don’t like dwelling. I’m a get it figured out, take care of and do it sort of person. So I took a Pintrest trip and from a pin to a blog, to another blog to a site thru a section I found this gem, by Matthew Kavan Brooks, that spoke to me SO MUCH not only did I have to have it it got me a bit teary. Seriously that kind of week. 

The point is, some times we all need reminders and motivation. 

The reminders or motivation may be different for everyone but we all get down in the dumps and swamped by concerns and matters so pressing that they make you lose focus on what matters and what we really need to be paying attention to and this print brings it all back for me. Its going to go right on the wall, right next to my desk in its 13 x 18 glory. 

So that begs the question and maybe your answer will help others, what do you do to get motivated? What do you do to remind yourself of all the awesome you have?


  • Michelle Hernandez says:

    Love that quote! Keep your head up- I really admire your creativity and work ethic- nothing keeps a great creative mind down!

  • Marilyn says:

    I do the same thing. I start reading blogs and seeking out new ones. I don’t know why it’s so therapeutic for me. I also do some daydreaming on Pinterest which seems to help be get my butt in gear. I always remind myself that tomorrow is new day and it’s gonna be better than today. 🙂

  • Sandra says:

    Normally things that motivate me are reading a really good book or even just art journaling my feelings when I’m having a stressful week! Sometime I even just repeat this quote to lift my spirits : Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in, forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day, you shall begin it well and serenely. Ralph Waldo Emerson

    TFS Kristy!


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