Hi! Kristy here with another giveaway for you! If you’re in the US or Canada and you’ve bought Copics OR you’ve been one of many people who have emailed me and asked where I buy my goods OR you’ve taken my Copic class (Created from Color) then you probably know all about the person who is giving away some awesome Gift Certificates to his shop! He has a big heart, that he might try to deny with sarcasm laced emails at 6am, but its still there. Yup, today I have a giveaway for you from Rusty Gorter at Oozak.com
Here’s a bit about Oozak and the one man show…
Oozak.com was started in August 2004 by Rusty Gorter. Rusty had worked for a family owned art supply store in Kalamazoo (Wheaton Art Supply) for 10 years. Unfortunately, Wheaton closed in July 2004 due to the local economy. He had to do something, so he used his contacts in the Art & Engineering fields and started an eBay Store mainly selling equipment. From there Oozak.com was built into a website featuring all the brands that we carry.
Most of the time, Oozak.com is a 1 man operation. It used to be a 3 man and 1 woman operation, but times are tough and the economy is definitely felt when you sell items that are wants and not needs. The “1 Man Operation” is Rusty. Born in 1970, is married with 2 young children.
Want a piece of trivia? You know you do 😉 Oozak isn’t just a weird name… well it is but we all love him anyway… oozak is kazoo backwards, kazoo is short for Kalamazoo where the store is located. Kalamazoo, MI is also my hometown and I used to shop at the store Rusty worked at but didn’t put 2+2 together until a couple years ago, small world. Now do you feel a little sherlock holmes-y? Trivia is fun.
Now for the Giveaway!
I did make that graphic correctly, 4! Â Rusty has a very wide variety of stuff at his store and you can win a bit of it!
To enter to win yourself one, all you have to do is hop over to the Oozak Facebook page, Like it and tell them I sent you then comment here telling me that you did. Easy Peasy!
You can enter thru Oct 31st and I’ll announce the winnerS here on November 5th!
Good Luck! Don’t forget to check out the Oozak Blog for lots of fun challenges and posts!
Carol Christie says:
Hiya, great giveaway, I have commented on OOZAKs FB page 😀 xx
Shannon White says:
is it silly of me that I didn’t know they had a facebook page? I’ve been a fan of them for a while now….SILLY ME! lol
Shannon White says:
oh and i commented and liked their page 🙂
Annette Allen says:
awesome giveaway…already liked OOZAK FB page but still stopped by to say hi… Thanks for the chance to win
April Lopez says:
Liked Rustys Facebook page. Would love to win a prize.
Alyssa S says:
I love Oozak! Great prices and quick service! I’ve hopped on over and liked the fb page too 🙂
Sharla Laursen says:
Awesome giveaway, I’m needing some ink refills, would be great to win! 🙂
Liz O says:
Stopped by Oozak’s FB, liked and commented, Thanks Kristy for all you share!
Have a wonderful day!
Shannon says:
I commented and liked their page. So happy to see a small business from Michigan (where I live)
Kristy says:
Me too Shannon! I live near the lakeshore (between South Haven & Holland) and my stuff from him takes 1 whole day to ship, its fab! 🙂
Sandra says:
What a great giveaway and fun little story..small world..I was already of fan of Oozak because I’ve bought Copic’s from there too! I hope it still counts if I stop by and comment though. TFS
Ange says:
liked and commented. thanks for the chance! And fun trivia. Love tidbits like that too. 🙂
Tara S. says:
LOVE LOVE LOVE Oozak! Thanks for the giveaway! I shared some love on the Oozak FB page. =o D
Carly Jo says:
I never knew Ooazak was Kazoo backwards, thank you!! Now, new request is how do you say that word? I kind of say it like ” Ooo a Zack!” Like some silly highschool girl who…likes a boy named Zack. Oh boy, please do not judge me too harshly LOL! I have been a fan of Ooazak for a while and I join their challenges too! Thanks for the opportunity, happy birthday month! I would love to win one of their GC! Have you seen the stamp I will link below? I think it would be adorable with a soggy squirrel!……where did that squirrel go?
Kristy says:
You’re close! Say Oozak like “ooZACK” 🙂 or Kazoo as “K-zoo” 😉 You’re right, that stamp would be awesome with the squirrel from Nutsy Kaylee! How fun!
Carly Jo says:
Thats the squirrel I was looking for! Thanks!
Lynda says:
Have been a fan of their fb page….super fun giveaway…great products on their site. Thank you for the chance to win!!!
Linda Citronlime says:
Liked and commented 🙂 Lovely giveaway!
Hugs Linda
maria mendoza says:
I liked his page and left a comment you sent me over
Jenny G says:
I already love, love, love Oozak but I left a message on the page post that you sent me! 😉 Thanks for the chance to win!
Rosemary Bridges says:
Went and like his page! I have ordered from Oozak before and always great customer service! Thanks for this awesome give-away!
Amelia Harris says:
Ha! Love the connection and the name- Oozak. 🙂 Liked them and commented on Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
Ashley N Newell says:
I went and liked them. I had no idea they had a page!
Kim Swenson says:
I went and liked his page. I didn’t know he had one, but I love to order from him.
jan farnworth says:
liked them and commented thanks for the chance to win.
Cherry Trigg says:
Liked and commented
Damaris V says:
I love me some oozak! Just ordered your new Christmas Tia from them a few weeks ago. Thanks for this chance
I liked their page.
x0, Damaris
Kimberli Sarsfield says:
I am now an official LIKER of Oozak although I’ve been shopping with them for about 7 months when someone recommended them! I had no idea of the back story which makes me love this company even more! I just picked up 8 SOG clear stamps and a couple of copics from him last month:)
Miriam Prantner says:
Liked and left some love on their page 🙂
Sherry Bleach says:
I liked and commented on Oozak to win!!! I am a long time liker and have bought many copics from them.
Linda Carson says:
Liked and commented on FB.
Chris Durnan says:
I did it!! fun to enter. Hope I win.
Marisa t says:
done, thanks for a chance to win!
Amy O says:
I did it! Liking their challenge blog – I will have to participate in that! Thanks for the chance!
Cynthia C says:
All done..easy peasy like you sid. Thanks for the chance in this giveaway!
Linda W. says:
Thanks for sharing the information about Qozak…I am already a like for Oozak
I made a comment on his facebook page
Thanks for a chance to win a gift certificate for Oozak
Lisa Wolgast says:
Love the give away! and love that Rusty has a blog. I liked him and commented on a great Website!
Laura Karaba says:
I am already a Liker of his Facebook Pg. But, I went over there and told him you sent me! (Thanks for another chance to win free stuff to feed my papercrafting addiction!)
smita says:
Hi Kristy..first time here and happy..liked the Rustys’ oozak FB page..thanks!..would love to win this candy since all are on my wishlist..:)
Shannon83k says:
Went over and liked page!! Thanks so much for the chance!!
Anita M says:
Great prizes! I already liked Oozak but I left a comment for them. Thanks for the chance to win 😉
Kristen says:
Liked, commented, and commented (^-^)
I’m so excited!!
Azizah A. (@GourmetPens) says:
Cooool! Liked and commented on their wall! Thank you for the chance to win!! https://www.facebook.com/Oozakcom/posts/10151141430943802
Jeanne Johnson says:
I left a comment on Oozak page. I am a current customer of Rusty’s and love this giveaway.
VL says:
Done and done! 🙂
Thanks to you and Oozak for the give away!
Annie Rose says:
I gave my shout-out to Rusty and the gang! I love Oozak and get most of my supplies from the shop. That’s where I purchase ALL of my Copics and Distress Inks… love it! Thanks Rusty and Kristy for this chance to win! 🙂
Annie Rose
ScrapAmoreTgb says:
“Post a comment on Oozak’s facebook page..Was already a fan. Thank you for the chance to win any prizes..!!”
Jess D says:
Done 🙂 I haven’t ever shopped at Oozak, must go stalk and rectify that I think!
Cibele says:
I did as you asked and I want to thank you for letting me know he had a FB page. I love Rusty!!
Maureen L. says:
I’m so in on this one! Ever since the Created From Color class I am an Oozak junkie …. (OoZak … Oozak…OoZak)
Rhonda Wilson says:
I “liked” and I commented. Thanks for the chance to win!
Sue D says:
I was wondering about the name Oozak–thanks for explaining. Sorry I am not on facebook.
jeannean says:
New fan of some odd girl, and I commented on oozak’s Facebook page fan of Rusty too!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tiffany says:
Wow! Awesome prize! I have liked and commented! Thank you!
Tina Mayo says:
I popped over to the oozak page .. Loving these ..crossing my fingers I win!!
Annette says:
Fantastic prize, have liked on facebook and found a new challenge blog, thank youX:)
Cheryl Hutcherson says:
I like Oozak on FB and let him know you sent me! Fun giveaway! Thanks!
Jennifer S says:
Just liked, and have already purchased from Rusty numerous times. Maybe a few too many times 🙂 There prices are the best I have ever seen on copics. thanks for the chance to win.
Andrea says:
Awesome! Liked and commented on FB, thanks Rusty!
Tracey Jean says:
Ran over to facebook to leave my comment. Best prices on Copics I have ever found and fantastic prices on SOG stamps too…
Casey Britton says:
Went over to their facebook page and liked them as well as told them you sent me! Thanks for introducing us to them!
Jennifer says:
I have liked and commented
Loreneyt says:
Hi Kristy, went to Oozak’s facebook page to let them know that you sent me. Done! Thanks for a chance to win a Gift Certificate!
Rebecca Nufer says:
Liked the page…and leaving a comment.
Candy says:
Already loving Oozak (and liked them)! Thanks for the awesome opportunity! 🙂
Jan says:
Hi There. Revisited Oozak’s Facebook page to leave a “like”. It’s easy to like Oozak, their prices can’t be beat and Rusty provides wonderful customer service. I would love a Gift Certificate.
Mary S - Big Mamma says:
Of course I went by and let Oozak know you sent me. Thank you for the info. always looking for another great place to spread my money.
Ann C says:
Liked Oozak’s FB page. It was fun to hear their story and how they got their name!
Sam Black says:
Love your site. I liked Oozak as well and am now leaving a comment.
Julia L. says:
I posted on the OOZAK FB page! I love OOZAK, it is a good store. He gets the product out quickly and when I had a problem with one of my orders he fixed it quickly and was very friendly.
KellyG says:
I liked and commented on Oozak FB page
JLJ Designs says:
What a great prize! I commented on the Oozak page. Love this store!
Angie Ha says:
Kazoo!! I never would’ve noticed that! I left a comment and liked oozak on facebook.
Kristy Jo Oberts says:
Just found your site and love it! Went over to Oozak (FB page) and let them know that you sent me.
Beth says:
Thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway! I like Oozak on Facebook. I came upon you via Krista at Saturated Canary, now I can’t spend enough time here!
becky says:
I liked oozak on facebook, and left a comment! 🙂 And that is an awesome trivia! 😀
becky says:
I liked oozak on facebook, and left a comment! 🙂 And that is an awesome trivia! 😀
Cyndi Elliott says:
Thanks for the great giveaways. I like Oozak!
Sheila says:
Oozak is awesome! I have window shopped there a lot and order when I can. 🙂
Ardilla says:
WOW, amazing!!!!!
Denise Bryant says:
I liked Oozak on FB and told them you sent me!
jessica says:
Whooo Hooo How fun! Thanks for the chance to win!! I “liked” Oozak over on FB and left a comment 🙂
Carly W says:
done …. lovely page …. going to head back for a better look 🙂
xoxoo xCarly
Lucianna says:
Wow what a great giveaway, I liked them over on FB. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
Lizzie O says:
I use to go to the D Z Discovery Zone in Kalamazoo! hahahaa I lived in Battle Creek for about 10 years.