Happy Easter crafty friends! Scroll down to see my post for the Some Odd Girl Stamp Release Blog Hop but not before you see Chibi Debra! I was commissioned by the super sweet Debra to make a “ME” of her. She saw the flamboyant Chibi Kellie I had made for Miss Winnell that I’m affectionately calling Waffle Kellie and sent me an email 🙂
I had a ton of fun with it, these are just addictive to make! From a piccy of her and some clues to her personality I drew up her Chibi. I have 3 more I’m working on and am just so excited! These girls are super cute! So if you would like your own don’t hesitate to email me and we’ll chat 🙂 I loved working with Debra as my calling her super sweet wasn’t an exaggeration 🙂
Kellie says:
Looks absolutely amazing! I thinks you will be getting a few more emails coming your ways, everyone loves ME, hehehe all thanks to you, talented Oddie 😉 Your new name from me hehe! :laugh:
Zarah says:
STOP IT – I die! She’s adorable – and just as pretty as the real Debra!! There’s just no doubt they’re the same pretty gal! 😀
…oh – and you KNOW I’d kill for one of those. Well… Perhaps not kill… but gently finish off a cookie or something, maybe?! 😉
Corry says:
AMAZING! I’m gonna need one for sure! I’ll be in touch!
Patricia says:
Omg I love it is super cute I need one for me =P
Metal_Minish says:
Oh yes, I used to do these kind of comissions myself on a swedish scrap site… I should try again, it was fun and I’m always glad when people are interested in ones works… X3
Chibi Debra is adorable, awesome work!
Kristy says:
That is high praise coming from you Minish! I heart your work so THANK YOU! 😀
Yyam says:
So totally cute! I want one!
Patricia says:
OMG I love this I think I will be sending you an email to, just awesome!!
Michelle says:
shut the front door!! that is adorable!
i would love one myself I will be in touch for sure
you are so darn talented i am in awe of you :inlove:
Kim S says:
They are super adorable – I wanna see how you do Miss Orange ;))))
Kristy says:
I can just see her now hehehehe! It might have to happen 😉
Jeanette - Tettiz says:
Wow!!! Suuuuper gorgeous!!! 😀
Maria Therese says:
So cool!!!
Carlyann says:
these are fantastic kristy!!! your super uber talented!!! hugs carlyann xx
Donna's Doodles says:
Hi Kristy, I’ve just seen the mini me you created of Kellie on her blog and its absolutely amazing as is Debra above…you are so clever and talented…brilliant work hun 🙂 Donna x
sue says:
Hi ya
wow that is fabulous, oh i would luv one done of me, how fab, sue,x
Michelle Hernandez says:
AA! I love this!!!! I want one!!! How to start??
Kristy says:
Shoot me an email Michelle 🙂 Kristy@someoddgirl.com :inlove:
Debra James says:
I cant begin to tell you how excitied and rapped I was with my Chibi,Im using her-“ME” on everything I can find and to be honest its better then the real me, look no wrinkles, thanks so very much for not including those Kristy, bahahaha, honestly I am in total awe of Kristy’s talent , I only wished I had some of it.Thankyou so very much Kristy, I think you can guess I Love, Love, Love 😀 what you created for me.,xxxxxxx