Organize Your Week, free planner printables

Every one is incredibly busy these days. Busy has become almost a badge of honor, like some kind of martyrist ideal. I don’t know about you, but I really love the time I carve out when its just me, maybe the Mr, my cats and I can watch one of my historical documentaries or other girly shows that no one else wants to watch but me.

You know which ones I mean.

Being so damn busy, being everything to everyone, if we don’t plan out at least some of our time, to make sure everything gets done and so you can work toward future goals, we’re going to be running around like crazy people with that nagging feeling that we’re forgetting something.


For me, since sucking up my hate of asking for help and getting some for my depression/anxiety, I have gotten the world’s worst memory. I used to be crazy laser focused and could ramble off all the things I needed to get done today, tomorrow and in the next few weeks. I do think that level of focus was born of what I needed treatment for and was a cause of more pressure and stress being put on the pile. During the years prior, if I wasn’t working, I felt out of place and stuck, as if because I took a break all the things I wanted for the future weren’t going to happen. Can you just hear the depression and anxiety in there?

Now not trying to be a complete downer, since being able to actually chill out and shut the brain off, I’ve grown to need a planner or place to write down all that “stuff” that gets cluttered then forgotten up in my noggin. If I write it down physically I am way more likely to remember it, not to mention that now it’s sitting in front of my face, a bit harder to ignore that way.

Getting started, I used an A5 sized planner, needing the larger size. I wanted a big area for my to do list and then days of the week for anything that is date sensitive, like appointments. Not finding what I wanted out there on Etsy or Pinterest I defaulted to my own devices and created my first set of pages in an easy to print PDF format.

Front and Back A5 Printable


The planner is still in use for longer term planning but for the daily grind it needed to be front and center… how I can literally forget its contained in a blinding green planner right on my desk is beyond me. Combining the front and back pages from the A5 into a one sided letter sized sheet, I now keep it in plain view under the protective flap of my desk mat.

Added bonus? Cushy desk mat makes for a great place to stamp. 

All in one Sheet Printable


I know there’s about 15 million different planner sheets to buy, order or download but if you were in a state of not-love with the others, maybe you’ll like mine. Feel free to direct people over here to grab it themselves, click the link and save the pdf, but it is very bad karma to repost or sell it as your own, its simply here to be helpful.

I would like to request that if you use it and decorate it all purty to leave me a link to pics! As much as I puffy heart this sheet I’ve never been great at planner decorating so I’d love to see.


  • wienerhoneymooners says:

    Thanks Kristy!!!!

    • Kristy says:

      Happy to share, I hope you like it!

  • someluckydog says:

    Thank you!

    • Kristy says:

      I hope you like it!

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