Some Lil Q’s – Guilty Pleasures

It came up the other day “What is your Guilty Pleasure?”

For me, I had to think about it… something that I LOVED that really gave me that “maybe I shouldn’t” feeling in my tummy when I go to get it.  I don’t “need” it but I still “want” it. I finally pinned it down, my guilty pleasure is Momiji Dolls. I don’t indulge often, in fact I only have 5 and one was a birthday gift from my fabby friend Leah. But I can and do go to their site and put some in my cart, then talk myself out of it, then do the same thing a few days later. I use them to reward myself for goals achieved to try and ease my guilt. They serve no other purpose than to make me happy.  😀

So tell me, what’s your guilty pleasure?


And a big HELLO and WELCOME to my April Sponsors!  :inlove:

  • Marcie Sharp says:

    A new purse…I have so many already, but time goes by and start to think….”I could reallllllly use a new purse” even though, quite clearly I DON’T need one. So I make many, many excuses as to why I DESERVE one and lo and behold, a new one usually ends up in my closet after a day or two of being wishy washy over it. 🙂 The best part is when someone compliments me on my new purse and I give my hubby the big ol’ hairy eyeball like, “I TOLD you it was a good idea to get another one!!” 🙂

  • Marilyn says:

    I’m gonna go in a different direction and say that my guilty pleasures are shows like America’s Next Top Model and RuPaul’s Drag Race. Both filled with silly silly silly drama but I love it. I feel like it gives my brain a break. 🙂

  • Caz says:

    Momiji’s are also a guilty pleasure of mine….I have been very good and haven’t bought any in quite a while. They looks so cute on your shelf.

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