Opinions please!

Yesterday I worked on a sample for something I thought of and am thinking of having in my Etsy shop. I’d love your opinions on it, just be nice if you criticize 🙂 Anyway, I like to make things that are cute and useful and I’ve been going out shopping with a pad of post it notes as my list so my brain came up with this during the indie biz brain storm the other night…

Sorry about the rough pics 🙂 Its to go with you, in your purse or whatnot. The orange pocket, I might redo how that is attatched, is to hold a 4×6 pad of scratch paper. Slide the cardboard bit into the pocket portion and the paper sits on top. Then the elastic for two pens or what not, and a pocket with a snap closure and scalloped felt accent. You could use it for your coupons with your grocery list or to jot down ideas and such on the go. Then it closes on itself like a book. So what do you think? The size of the whole thing laid out is 9×7. Do you think the 4×6 paper is better than the other choice of 3×5? Anything else you think of when you look at it? Remember its my first sample attempt 🙂
Can you tell my brain is swirling with ideas lately? 😀
  • Carley says:

    I LOVE it Kristy! I am the same way I have a purse full of random post its and pens with lists and reminders I think this is a great idea! I think it would do well! I like that it holds 4×6 it gives me more room to write! What are you thinking about price? I want one ha ha! Hope you have a fabulous day!

  • mforquer says:

    Oh what a great idea!! Can you make some for Copics too??? LOL LOVE it – and the fabric is gorgeous!!

  • ♥Silvana♥ says:

    Hi….I'm a follower but becouse of time ( and my english) I usually not comment but went I saw this I couldn't resist…..I love it the only thing I would change is makin the open for the orange pocket horizontal and put a zipper or something like that maybe =) hope my thoughs help =)

  • Zarah says:

    Maybe a snap closure of some kind? A little button or a magnet or a cute buckle… But it is TOO cute and I need one!!

    (I can imagine it with a SOG-image on front too!! Wouldn't that be ah-do-rab-leeeee?! :D)

  • Kim Sonksen says:

    WHoaaaaaaaaaaa I lovesit the way it is.
    And you know what I thought at once? That would be brilliant fro my crochet hooks :))))

  • Amy says:

    Oh Kristy this is just ADORABLE!!! I love the print of the fabric!

  • Kristy says:

    M- I'm workin on one for copics, it turned in to a big project, me and my brain, but I'll definitely show how it turns out!

    Kimmy, I could always make one with more elastic spots. Instead of the paper spot?

    Carley, not sure on price yet I'm happy it worked like my brain thought! I'll make my tweaks and have another sample and price probably next week. It'd be today but I'm out of interfacing *sobs*

    Love the ideas/thoughts! Keep'em comin!

  • Marilyn (Pulp Sushi) says:

    I love it! Although personally I may want it in 3×5 but yes, I would totally carry this around. Even though I have a smartphone, I still jot lists down on paper.

  • Louana says:

    It's really pretty and smart! Good idea!

    Kristy, I've just tagged you for a fun handwriting game, check it out: http://11thmonkey.blogspot.com/2011/03/handwriting-game.html
    Hope you'll join in on the fun!

  • the perfect pear says:

    i LOVE this because i LOVE pears! 🙂 so perfect

  • Earl- Leigh says:

    This is a fantastic idea! I always have to go on a search and rescue mission to find pens and notepads that I throw in my purse. LOL. I would prefer a 4×6 notepad, but 3×5 would still work! I agree with Zarah, I would want one with some type of snap closure.

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