All that’s left to finish off the office is namely a lil curtain under the desk to hide all the cords and such but who knows when I’ll get to that (not to mention which color to use) and paint the desk top but it enough done to share. The day was full to the brim so I didn’t get any projects in (boo!) so Friday is going to be fun day!
My office area…
my crafty area…
I know its not fancy smancy but I adore this rearranged space! I can’t wait until I can officially call it my home office! As in I WORK FROM HOME. So geeked! One more work day on Saturday!
Zarah says:
Countdown session HAAAAS begun!
*sings Europe's "Final Countdown" on top of her lungs*
That's a NICE space you got there!
bosenberries says:
Love your space…. better then the white pristine ones that don't look like anyone does anything in them {although I wouldn't say no to one.. he he)… love all the personal touches… I see the sewing machine is still alive!!
A Windemuller says:
oooo- I'm so jealous of your craft space. And I'm so glad that you are able to stay at home and be with your kids and enjoy crafting more. But I'll miss you so much at work 🙁 Good luck as you start this new chapter in your life!!
Claudia says:
What a nice space.
I like that blue board. It´s so crazy.