Hello? Motivation?

Where the eff did you go? I swear I saw you on Saturday when I had to go to work and do things that weren’t what I wanted. Then you gave me the finger and left! Is that b/c you invited my ear infection back to plague me when we are coming up on the time of the month when I turn weird anyway?

Why would you do that to me??? I thought we were friends!

I would go to work and you would cheer me on thru the day and stick around long enough to get some ess done when I come home then we part ways at night both feeling accomplished. Wasn’t that good enough for you? I don’t snore, you don’t sleep here! Maybe you are teaming up with the rain that has been non-stop for almost 3 days to make me feel all blah. You need to stop that ess RIGHT NOW! I’ve got ess to do! So let’s put our ess aside and get the team back together. I have all that gawgess stuff over there to play with but all I want to do is watch Kitchen Nightmares.


Motivation and his sister Mojo don’t seem to be answering. If you see them or know where they have moved please ask them to send me their change of address forms so I can stalk them a lil bit. Thanks.

gwah (did you know that was a real word? Tis true! Look it up! urbandictionary.com is not just for filth!)

  • Kim Sonksen says:

    I think she hangin' with me right now – not that the weather is any better over here and I only play with moti in the mornings….

    Shall I kick her back your way?

  • aussiescrapper says:

    Yeh mojo seems to part company with us whenever it suits them hey, but never fear they always come home after a little break, mine went on a holiday just before that time of the month for me too, selfish bugger. I will send it home if I see it. Love Melxx

  • Diana Fisher says:

    Oh no! Bad Mojo, bad! Come back!! Sending you good Motivation Wishes!!!

  • Kate says:

    damn work!! it gets in the way off all things important and fun! 🙁

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