I hope all you moms out there had a fabulous Mother’s Day!
That’s my Chicka and my Dude 😀 Like how the Dude needs to get his face in front of everyone else? lol We had a pretty good day. Hubs had to work in the morning but was home about 1. I tried to get a Mother’s Day nap in but that didn’t happen. I am calling right of nap sometime soon! Especially if I can take it on the couch and in a sunbeam… my fav! Hubs made a steak dinner with fresh green beans and rice that was awesome! Then we had cheesecake for dessert 🙂
The kids made some pop up cards for me that I was tackled with first thing. Esme runs in shouting HAPPY MOTHER”S DAY and proudly showed me her creations then left. I got dressed and went out and scooped up the dude and gave him some hugs. And we had this conversation:
Me: Do you know what day it is?
Dude: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm… I don’t know
Me: Its mothers day
he looks around and tries to get off my lap and leave
Me: where are you going?
Dude: I’ve gotta go wait for my Mother
Me: I’m your mother
Dude: What the ?! *laughs* Get outta here! You’re my Momma!
Me: I’m your Momma and you Mother
Dude: *laughs* You are a silly girl! You’re my Momma! You’re a girl! You’re a sister!
Me: Um, yes. But I’m also your Mother.
Dude: *gives me a hug* Ok Momma
Then he left.
I think he thought I was a bit confused and dumb lol. I really wish you could hear his “Get outta here!” It even comes with the wave of dismissal and tone that tells you he thinks you’re silly, trying to confuse him, or you’re just a bit daft. It took all day but by the end he would agree that I was his Mother. I wonder if its just so I’d quit buggin him?
Patricia says:
Those are such sweet pictures, thanks for sharing.
Sheila says:
Love the story! Kids are too cute.
Kelly says:
So sweet! Kids do take everything literally. 🙂
april says:
That was adorable, he really expected someone else hilarious. Your kids are cute happy late mothers day. Hope life is treating you well. 🙂
Virginia says:
So cute! Both the story and the pictures =)
Elle says:
Mmm, cheesecake!