Driving to and from my appointment this morning I was happy I brought my camera with me. It gave me a chance to capture things that I like about living out in the boonies where I do. These were on a typical drive to and from town, not all are typical for the drive 🙂
Turkeys. Part of the flock of about 40 I saw out in a corn field.
A gorgeous morning sky. Love the whispy clouds 🙂
Cows lazily grazing and enjoying the weather.
The field next too where the cow lives was FULL of cranes! You might see one or two together at a time normally but I guess the were migrating back because the field was a swarm with them!
And now I’m home with this animal for the day 🙂 Who could ask for more!
Khristen F says:
TFS, great pics! My son loves seeing flocks of turkeys cross the road, a common occurrence where I’m from, too.
Reshma says:
The last one really takes the cake 🙂
Kristy says:
isn’t the dinosaur mouth full of goldfishes awesome lmao!
Diana Fisher says:
Love your boonies pics!
Jamie says:
OMG I have never seen a whole flock of cranes, that’s awesome!!