Driving to and from my appointment this morning I was happy I brought my camera with me. It gave me a chance to capture things that I like about living out in the boonies where I do. These were on a typical drive to and from town, not all are typical for the drive :) Turkeys. Part of the flock of about 40 I saw out in a corn field. A gorgeous morning sky. Love the whispy clouds :)...


Had to document my blue hair that I did a couple of weeks ago. I missed my pink hair from last year but blue goes better with my wardrobe which has alot of blue :) I missed the last 2 weeks from snow days and sick kids and hubs, I'm not so comfy trying to take these picks around fam so I'm getting back in the grove.


52 Week Project is a project that challenges you to take 1 self portrait a week for a whole year (hence 52 Week Project ). Over at the blog she has some prompt ideas for inspiration. When Jenny (chez) mentioned the idea it sounded like fun and when she posted her first this morning it reminded me I wanted to do it. I took the prompt: "in the mirror" for my first. Mostly bc I actually did my...