Crafty Fair Weekend

I had my first craft fair this weekend. I think I got myself overly worked up and probably annoyed alot of people close to me with my excessive thinking and such but it all worked out in the end. It was a very slow show, according to the vendors I talked to. There was foot traffic but no one was really buying. It might have been due to the carnival going on right outside though. I luvs me a good elephant ear! Or 2 šŸ™‚ I made back my booth fee but I think the best part of this is I made a couple connections and leads on other shows. Now that my booth is basically all built (will need to tweak for outside though) its not alot of up keep that way. This show, while good to get my foot in the door and wet was definitely not a good fit for me. Most of the booths were distinctly country crafts, country crafts with that kitschy feel. Which, really, there is not a thing wrong with it, some cute stuff, but my booth stuck out like a sore thumb. It was an odd feeling. But anyways, I think the booth itself turned out great! Check it out

If you can’t tell we were in a school LMAO! The circular rack is a spinner rack my sweet hubbins picked up at work for free. It was going to be thrown away! Thank you Ellis! It originally held children’s books but it holds cards now! šŸ™‚ I’m pretty impressed with how many cards the shutters could hold. I didn’t even have enough to fill it! Yay for the future! The lil tubs on the table are $1 section at Target finds and held my tags. 
I got alot of compliments on my cards and a few people took my business card even though they didn’t buy. I actually talked Copics with one lady and was asked if I sold my cards online by another. I made alot of notes and walked all the booths. This was a fun experience even though I got hit on and my cleavage oogled by a 12 year old with a mullet for a few hours today, it took me a couple hours to put it together that that was what he was doing, I’m so oblivious. He came over, his dad had the booth 2 down, leaned over the table where I was seated and stared. He asked about my necklace then came back off and on all day and stared. I was actually wearing the same outfit as in my bio pic so its not like my necklace was fascinating. The whole thing was weird! This is also the same kid who chatted me up all day yesterday and told me how he loves rats and how his rats keep getting tumors so his dad has to put them in a plastic bag and smash their head in with a shovel to put them out of their misery. Seriously, why can’t I get oogled by a hot dude? or at least a legal age dude LOL.
Well I can’t wait for a new week! What do you have to look forward to? My birthday is Tuesday so that’s always fun! Let’s see if my hubbins remembers this year LOL
  • Scarlett says:

    Kristy, I am LMBO at the 12 year old!! Your booth turned out really adorable and I love how the cards were displayed on the shutters! Your banner turned out wonderfully. Really glad this was a good learning experience for you and that you made your money back! Can't wait to hear about your next adventure!

  • yyam says:

    I love your shutters…it would be good to display the cards that I make and dunno what to do with! šŸ˜‰

    LOL on the 12 year old "admirer"! šŸ™‚

  • Kim Sonksen says:

    hahahaha – you pulled! You pulled!!!
    But seriously I LOVE how you did the booth. The shutter door is fandabby tastic and I adore the lampshade and the banner. Awesomeness

  • Chiqui says:

    Your booth is beautiful Kristy. I'd love to do something like that! Funny story about the 12 yr old…hehe.

  • bosenberries says:

    Wow Kristy… that is the best card table I have ever seen!! You def did your research! Your shutters worked out so well! About the 12 year old… careful.. he prob took your card and is reading this right now.. lol!

  • Diana Fisher says:

    Too funny about the kid!! I love your booth, and I love that your booth stood out! I always remember and go to those ones first at Craft Fairs!

  • This N That says:

    HAHA! Oh, my! Some interesting characters you attracted, there! Congrats on the leads and contacts! You will take off, I just know it!! That table cloth was AWESOME!

  • Zarah says:

    Booth looks HAWT! Way to go!

    Sorry about the creepy kid (creepy dad too! *grrr*) though it made me laugh. šŸ˜‰

  • Roxy says:

    Oh my God, I am just howling here! That is too frickin' funny! But other than that, I'm lovin' the houndstooth!

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