Well my laptop took a dump but is now fixed and better than ever! Thanks to my wonderful hubby!!! I have a couple things to share with ya today :)First is an ATC for a challenge on the If the Shoe Fits... SCRAP IT! Ning Forum . The challenge was to make an ATC about your fav movie. Here is mine. Can you guess what mine is about? :DSecond, I've got a couple LO's to share! One for a challenge of...


I finally got to use my "Clearly Heavy Overlays" by Hambly! WOOT!I bought a sheet with no really idea in mind but it was Hambly and I LOVE THEM!!! I still have half a sheet left from making a set of ATC cards for Artistic Papercrafting on CM. I think the alcohol inks did a great job making the sky look..... um, well..... like sky. I didn't have a good way to state that LOL!!! This is my first...


I've got a couple tidbits for ya today. I think right now I am making more of a mess with my scrappy stuff than actually getting anything done! I didn't clean up the mess I made from doing 2 LO's yesterday (?, Monday?) then went to make an ATC today and made it worse! I actually was layering my crap to find a spot LOL!. BUT I did get that ATC done! WOOT! Cleaning of said mess will be Friday as I...


I just wanted to jump on and share the next two cards with you all :)The prompt for B was "Because." There is alot of layers on this card. It was kinda inspired by what Rachel had said about journaling the negatives then layering the positives. I put more than a few layers of paint, who knows what colors any more LOL, and then while it was still damp I used my AC rub-on stick to "write" the...


A friend of mine just got me into trying to make ATC's. I have to say I'm lovin it!!! Its kinda liberating making such a tiny creation with no focus besides what you want to do. Its pure imagination. This one is my second one. Everything is scraps and handcut except the cloud which is a die cut that I "greyed" down. I don't think I'm doing this in the typical manner (if there is one, I'm new). I...