I finally got to use my “Clearly Heavy Overlays” by Hambly! WOOT!
I bought a sheet with no really idea in mind but it was Hambly and I LOVE THEM!!! I still have half a sheet left from making a set of ATC cards for Artistic Papercrafting on CM.
I think the alcohol inks did a great job making the sky look….. um, well….. like sky. I didn’t have a good way to state that LOL!!! This is my first use of alcohol inks. I couldn’t believe how fast it dried and started out putting on my craft mat and dotting it on but when it kept drying up I starting to just pour it on the card and move it around. I used the color Stream for this 🙂
Hope you likey and thanks for all your comments! They make my heart super happy!!!
Amy says:
I have got to get some of that transparency! I have a few sheets from packaging but its rather thin. Great job on these!! They are AWESOME!!