I've been working on a few things that are bit different to offer at Some Odd Girl. Different in that its for your blog instead of for cards...     You'll have to excuse my phone pics of my tablet monitor. It lets me do it quickly and not think its too much of a hassle to share.   I'm creating avatars that I'm coloring up and will make available for banners, sidebars, etc,...


Now that I'm regularly drawing on my tablet monitor I can do some really nice Speed Art videos for you guys! Yay technology! In this video I recorded the creation of Up Do, a line art from my August Patreon...   This is the first video I've done of start to finish drawing and inking. The video is sped up to 750% from the actual, or so says my Adobe Premier Elements, from that you...


I've been working on a new piece for June's Patreon. I have a lil preview for you below, but I've had a request, a very hopeful one I might add, for a mermaid and I had done some sketching previously but couldn't come up with anything that inspired me to keep going. But I finally did...  This is still in the sketch phase, the pics here, but the official inking of it is complete...


We're coming towards the end of March so its time to tease one of the new digital art pieces that patrons on my Patreon will be getting in their April goodies. For this piece I had the mental image of when you call someone's name suddenly who has their back to you and they do the quick spin around to see who's there. Did I nail it?   Maybe not "nailed" but it invokes that...


Art is always an evolution and lately I've been playing around in my Ballpoint Pen Sketchbook, seeing if I could get something part way between my realistic style and my Odd style. Here's what I came up with... What do you think?An need smish of both worlds. Kaylee and her crew look nothing like, at 6 years old, that they did in year one, and while I don't foresee them having any...


This is a shorty short post but for Artsy Friday this week I'm working on these 2 ACEOs. Judy Bagwell mentioned ATCs the other day which got my wheels turning and I whipped up these. I posted them on IG and people wondered what the difference between ATC and ACEO is... well not much. ATC= Artist Trading Card ACEO= Art Card, Edition or Original They are the same size but one is meant for...


I have quite a few pieces from my "pencil only" days that I'd love to see in color but cringe at the thought of coloring the original. This past weekend I needed some calm zen time (why is a whole other story) so I had the idea to trace the basic outline of a piece I did in 2009 that fell into the color-cringe category and had at it with my copics, so we have a new coloring of a throwback...


    Well I hope embedding the video from Instagram works. I've been giving my calligraphy a work out using the brush tip of my Copic Markers lately. I'm making some fun sentiments and cutfiles that you'll see more of in June and in the future. The first of them are already up in my shop. Any requests for future words/phrases? ;...


Wow, this is been quite a week. With all the time I spent in bed sick, all my carefully laid blog plans we're for naught. But that doesn't stop me from having a little sketch for you for Artsy Friday! Typically I'm continually drawing, if its not a full image then just a doodle or a quick sketch, but in the times when I can't, sometimes it can be really slow to get back into. This is one of...