December Daily

I’ve gotten on the bandwagon. I’ve never done a December Daily before but after so many of the girls ont he Paper Issues team were and all they links they shared looked like so much fun I thought I’d give it a go too. I always try to do these daily things but never follow thru so feel free to harass me to keep me on track XD

Here’s my cover and days 1 – 3. (click it to see it bigger) I have a picture for Day 4 but haven’t done the page yet.

I’m doing a “tag” book. The pages are 4×6.5 and I print the pics out full size as I really wanted them the star of the show. I also decided that even though I guess the point is “things leading up to the holidays” that I was going to do more daily things (with some holiday stuff) and went all eclectic on the colors eventually I’ll put them all on a ring.

I cut the tags out with my Silhouette. I haven’t touched it in forever and it took me more than a little frustration to get it all going. Not to mention a lot of ruined CS. The CS is Bazzill and its a shimmery white. Gotta have bling for the holidays lol. The CS was the only thing I bought for this the rest is just on hand items, Sassafras, Twinery Twine, AC Thickers, Oct Afternoon label stickers. 

Who else out there is doing a December Daily? The toughest part for me is going to be what to journal so I’d love to check yours out if you want to put a link in the comments. 


Btw, check this here out!

1 Comment
  • Michelle Hernandez says:

    Look great so far! LOVE all the Sassy bits. I chose a 4 by 6 size as well- I’m using Hipstamatic and photos printed at 2 by 2. Your white tree is perfect for indoor photography! I haven’t been able to figure out how to shoot ours well- it’s 4 feet tall and in a fairly dark area of the apartment. Here is a link to my first all December Daily post:
    I got some really nice photos yesterday just walking in Brooklyn so my dilemma is- cheat and say they were from day 6 and 7? 😉

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