VLCD Update :)

Yesterday was the weigh in after my first full week (9 total days but every 7 after that) on my VLCD program. VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet, low calorie, fat, carb and sugar, high protein. I have to go every week for Clinic & Class and weigh in, Thursdays 12p-2p. ย Each week the class is run by either the Behaviorist or the Dietician and Exercise Physiologist. Its part of the program (which I think is awesome!) to educate participants on all the different things that can go into weight loss, gain, exercise and nutrition. Well rounded! Then every other week I also have blood draws and see the Physician to check levels and make sure I’m still ship shape.

Yesterdays class talked about Stress Management and the different ways to help you cope with stress as a lot of overweight people eat when stressed. I don’t think I ever was a big abuser of that but boredom eating, yeah well I’ve caught myself staring in the fridge then wondering why. But it was still good to put it in your mind so maybe you can catch things like that. Not to mention talking about different calming techniques and all sorts of other things is just good for you generally!

I didn’t realize it would be so much like group therapy (not that I’ve ever been but I assume from different things its kind of like this) but while at first uncomfortable, as I’m such a shy person typically, its going to be good for me to just to feel comfortable saying what’s on my mind without waiting for the backlash that I cringe and expect. Growth but for a different reason. ย So I’m looking forward to it now while I was dreading it after the first few minutes. I can’t claim my face won’t flame up again but I can live with that ๐Ÿ™‚

So the last week of eating only program allowed food (literally packaged, you buy it at the Dr office) wasn’t really that bad. I’m a bad decision maker on small everyday things so having only so many to choose from was kinda nice actually. I only ran into a couple of issues this week that were notable. The first being that the dinners I’m suppose to eat nauseate the crap out of my stomach! They aren’t the greatest tasting but I could just scarf it down, they aren’t really very big, but maybe it the preservatives (they don’t have to be chilled or frozen while stored!) or something else but I just can’t keep’em down or finish them! Luckily that was an easy fix as the clinic person on hand last night said I can combo any of the available food in whatever way as long as I’m eating a little bit every 2-3 hours AND getting the 800-900 calories. Which I’ve been low on. Around 780. I got scolded for that lol. So I’m happy to figure it out another way!

The second issue of note came on Saturday. I had just eaten my afternoon snack (my time management is horrible LOL) when DH starts to make dinner. I’m working and when he brings the dinner out for him and the kidlettes its BEEF STROGANOFF. I seriously love beef stroganoff! I’ve ignored other meals the rest of the week i’ve loved without really much more than a “dang” but this one… I’m emotionally tied to that meal! DH made it for me on our first fancy date. Candle lit indoor picnic, sparkling grape juice (I was still underage lol), spring mix salad and stroganoff. I wore a plum colored sparkly little dress with silver heels and he wore a silver grey shirt and black pants ๐Ÿ™‚ Soft music, the whole nine yards. He’s fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚ But that meal always reminds me of it and then and when I saw that meal I broke and ran off to the bedroom where I shut myself in the rest of the night. I wasn’t mad at him, I wasn’t mad really that I couldn’t eat the food, it was some vauge idea of what it meant to me was denigned me. I know, so weird. No well thought out reason or response. When they ate left overs on Monday it didn’t bother me but on that night, I was just a wreak!

But over all I think I’ll count the week as successful! I was weighed in and lost 11.7lbs! Kathy, the clinic lady, said that was alot and don’t expect that much the second week but I plan to prove her wrong! ๐Ÿ˜€

I’m pinning some motivation on Pintrest too if you’d like to check it out. I find its an easy way to keep track and look at some things to keep you going ๐Ÿ™‚ Have any of you gone on or are on a similar journey?

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  • Marilyn says:

    That’s great Kristy, good luck! I just joined Weight Watchers this week (June 1st!) so we’re on this weight loss journey together. ๐Ÿ™‚ That is a lot of weight to lose in the first week – but I know what she means, it kind of slows down after a bit but don’t worry, I know you’ll still do great. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Kristy says:

      You go Marilyn!!! I hear good things about Weight Watchers!!! So glad to have a “buddy” going forward! Let me know when you blog about it, I’d love to leave you some encouragement!

      • Marilyn says:

        I’m actually debating on whether or not I should talk about it on my blog. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m exposing myself to some kind vulnerability (sp?) or something. It’s silly I know. Maybe I will start this week, maybe Sundays. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lisa (ThePurplePlace says:

    WOOHOO! Congratulations!!! I am not familiry with this plan, but it sounds wonderful! I really would LOVE to lose about 15 pounds, if not a bit more and if you have any links or can tell me a bit more about this I would love to hear!

    I tend to be a stress bucket, at times and also live with Fibromyalgia, making my activity level very low. I’ve put on this weight in the last year or so and I’m not comy and want to lose it!

    I’m so happy you are doing so well! That’s wonderful news ! Good Luck and keep up the great work.

    I also want to thank you again for my wonderful Chibi…I love it and am amazed at your fantastic talent!!


    • Kristy says:

      Here’s a link to the Dr’s office where I am going http://www.ghpweightloss.com/default it has some info on it ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m sure if you asked your regular doctor, which is how I got in touch with them, they can get you referred to the right place in your area ๐Ÿ™‚

  • eef says:

    I started following some of your boards on pinterest. =]

    I’m also trying to be healthy/get in shape. Different approach from you though, mostly unpackaged foods (fruit, veg, meat, etc.) and more calories (1200-1550) with a lot of exercise in there. You can follow my motivation board if you want!


    • Kristy says:

      Totally followed eef! Great board! The program I’m on has a 4 week “back to food” course at the end that will probably be like what you’re doing now so you are totally ahead of me! ๐Ÿ˜€ I will probably be on that around thanksgiving lol! I’d love to hear how its going for you!

  • caz says:

    Well done on the weight loss so far!
    ๐Ÿ™ to hear you’ve had issues.. but proud that you’re managing to overcome them.. even if there’s a few tears involved!
    Keep up the great work!

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks caz! I’m proud I didn’t go snatch up a bowl and devour it! Or the leftovers in the fridge… or the fridge lol

  • Dawn says:

    You can do it! Kristy!

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks Dawn!!! :-*

  • Zarah says:

    Holy moly!! ALMOST TWELVE POUNDS!?
    That’s ah-mah-zing! You rock the crap outtame, girl. Seriously!
    Ps. If you have the time & energy, feel free to email me a little of the peptalk and mental notes the teach you! I could totally use the motivation and the whip. I’m such a whine, today, you see.
    (Hormonal, thy name be… me!)

    The beef stroganoff sounds awesome, when you describe it like THAT, by the way… and I totally want to see photos. Your outfit sounds divine!

    Lots of love, and stay-strong-because-you’re-fab-vibes!

  • kate says:

    Every time I start to write a comment in relation to this I stop, it sounds preachy. We don’t know each other. But no one else has said anything… This is your life and you’re an adult but this is alarming. 800-900 calories?! prepackaged food? “I broke and ran off to the bedroom where I shut myself in the rest of the night.”?!

    I know the desire to jump start or even see any movement on the scale and to have the guidance of a dietician is awesome. but what are you going to do when the program is over? I certainly hope they don’t make you buy their prepackaged food for the entire experience and teach you how make meals for your whole family.

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks for visiting my blog! ๐Ÿ™‚ I appreciate everyone who stops by!

      On your comments on my VLCD program, there’s a few things you don’t know and while I appreciate your opinion, you don’t know the whole of the program and how for me this is as much about my feelings as about losing the weight…

      Every time I start to write a comment in relation to this I stop, it sounds preachy. We donโ€™t know each other. But no one else has said anythingโ€ฆ This is your life and youโ€™re an adult but this is alarming. 800-900 calories?! prepackaged food? โ€œI broke and ran off to the bedroom where I shut myself in the rest of the night.โ€?!

      As you read further that meal specifically hit me emotionally and I had to distance myself. I don’t need to justify my emotions or how I responded to them but your comment doesn’t seem to understand that.

      I know the desire to jump start or even see any movement on the scale and to have the guidance of a dietician is awesome. but what are you going to do when the program is over? I certainly hope they donโ€™t make you buy their prepackaged food for the entire experience and teach you how make meals for your whole family.

      First off, I’m not the cook at our house. I never have been, I’m pretty horrible at it frankly. Also you don’t know the whole program and your assumption here really shows that. The program is for 12 weeks, full of education and classes not only with a doctor and dietician but a behaviorist and exercise physiologist. The program has been taught there for 20 years and has been proven effective. After the 12 weeks there are 4 weeks where they transition you back to regular food and shopping with more education and classes. I am an adult, I made this decision, I am the only one in my house on it, I have 160 lbs to lose. If you’ve ever seen the scale tip 300 then you understand how a pound or two doesn’t matter, it how I feel when I look in the mirror that matters. I’ve had my kids, and now that they are heading to school I feel like I need to do this for myself. I don’t have to apologize for my emotions and my actions but this program isn’t for everyone and I’m not telling others to do it just updating as I go thru it. Its working for me but thank you for making me have to justify this and making me feel like shit. Way to go.

  • Kurlygirl says:

    Hi Kristy,
    Thanks so much for sharing this journey. I found you because I’ve been considering applying for the SOG DT… I’m so glad I found your personal blog. I weigh more than I have in my whole life… more than when I was pregnant even. I have 70 – 80 pounds to lose and it is just so discouraging. I’m in counseling for some other things, but we are getting ready to tackle my eating and all that goes with it. Definitely an emotional/stress/boredom thing for me… my drug of choice. I’m standing at the edge of trying yet another diet. I have fibromyalgia like lisa above and it had really taken a toll on my excercise. Plus, I think I just eat more because of the issues that go with the fibro. Anyway… I’m not sure if I could be so open and vulnerable as you are being with blogging about it. Maybe it would be good for me though. Definitely some things for me to think about.

    Thank you so much for sharing this though and being so open about it.

    Heather ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Kristy says:

      Thank you Heather! Its support like yours that gives me the courage to blog about it ๐Ÿ™‚ Its awesome that you’re already getting help and are ready to take the plunge. The biggest hurdle I found is taking that stand, saying “I need help” and sticking to it. I definitely haven’t been perfect on my diet (I had a tiny piece of cake on my MILs bday last week) but just fixing and moving on instead of giving up is a big step too. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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