Happy Memorial Day and Chibis! :)

Meet Chibi Marlene!

Meet Chibi Cherise!

Our two chibis on todays post have a special thing in common… a special bond if you will… Marlene and Cherise are MOTHER and DAUGHTER! Today is the day that Marlene will be giving Cherise her Chibi (its a birthday giftie) so I thought there was no better day to share these two 🙂 Cherise really liked her Mom’s chibi when she saw it so sneaky Mom put in a rush order! She’s going to frame a print of it and wrap it like a giftie. SO SWEET! Who thought chibis could bring mom’s and daughters together? Not me! 🙂

I hope everyone is having a happy holiday! I’m more than a little bummed that my diet will keep me from any BBQ action going on but today is day 7 so I’m sticking to it!

  • maggie may says:

    hang in there !! have fun 🙂

  • skarletgrrl says:

    What a cute story! Have a wonderful holiday!

  • Natalie says:

    Awww… its a holiday! It’s okay to go off course with the diet just a LITTLE bit! ;P
    ALSO… I just want to tell you that i found your blog through LA with The Freckled Nest… and I am following your blog now. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your style and the little chibi people and aaahhhh!!! I love your blog. haha.. so cute!


  • patricia says:

    super cute chibis I love it =P

  • Kate says:

    What a cute gift idea!


  • Joan says:

    Kristy, I don’t have a website or blog. I just love surfing around crafting sites and came upon yours. You are truly an artist. I was wondering if you made chibis for people and mailed them the drawing instead of it being a blog picture. I just think they are fabulous and would love to get some for people that I work with, let alone one for myself.
    Thanks for sharing your talents.
    Joan Ledwedge

    • Kristy says:

      I could totally do that Joan! Thank so much for your sweet words 🙂 if you want to email me with what you had in mind I’m sure we can figure it out. Thanks!

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