This is my LO for a Super Secret Sketch Challenge going on…. well I can’t tell you where. Maybe if you asked Diana, she can let you in on the secret 😉
Kenton absolutely LOVES this truck! He’s gonna be super sad when his tush doesn’t fit into the truck bed. This truck was purchased for $20 at the antique fair and is all metal and durable for a little dude. Its so strong it can transport other trucks too 🙂
I used alot of Sass, some AC, Love Elsie and I stitched on it with my big sewing machine!!!!!! YAY! So thrilled its out and useable! Its not right now as everything is shoved into the center of the room to paint but it will be again.
Diana Fisher says:
I love this LO! Cute story, and I am loving the old skool Sass on here, too! 🙂
Metal_Minish says:
Amazing page! I always wanted to use that mushroom-cloudy-paper but have yet to create an LO in which it fits… ^^;;
But it fits just perfectly here, love the colorfulness of the entire LO~
Cheryl says:
Super cute lay out!