I thought after doing my big post in November I'd do a monthly update on how things are going. I really didn't realize that my post would bring so much support or I'd get so many reaching out and thanking me for sharing, as it helped them as well. I'm really glad that was the unintended side effect of my story. Since then I've continued on my script for my hormone imbalance. I'm not sure...


September and October were very tough months for me. If you're a regular reader and remember my Life of an Entrepreneur post, I mentioned a "nugget" that I said I'd talk more in depth about later when I finally addressed it on my own. Well I've finally started. At the beginning of September I spoke to my physician about an issue I've been shelving since my son was born 7 years ago. I think...


Welcome back forMy New Office/Studio: Part 3! I've already shared part 1 and part 2 with you earlier this week so please check it all out for the tons of detailed pics. Today I have 1 last piece of my studio puzzle to share... My New Office/Studio: Raskog Cart Last up is my Raskog Cart. It sits next to my desk when not in use, then rolls over when its crafty time. Yeah, some of this...


Welcome to my New Office/Studio:Part 2! On Monday I shared the first part of a 3 part series sharing how I reorganized my *everything* space, on Friday I'll have part 3 for you. These posts were just too dang long to fit together. Today I'm sharing my Craft Wall and Cabinet areas, it holds most of my crafting supplies. My New Office/Studio: Top Shelf Sections This section has a lot of...


That look, with fingers crossed, is how I feel most of the time. "Living the Dream" of working for myself makes it sound like all rainbows and gumdrops but its actually a more dauntingendeavor than it might seem. Every choice you make, and working for yourself you can make these decisions with sometimes reckless speed, affects your future directly. I don't regret this decision for an...


I've made Goals for 2013, I've learned some things from last year to bring into this... last year my One Little Word for the year was Flourish. I dare say that with everything that happened last year, in spite of some things really, that word really summed up 2012. We went to our first CHA We grew as a company I feel I grew as an artist and as a mom I'm learning to look at my faults and...


Continuing with this week of reminiscing of the year gone by I learned a few things that I want to pass along for 2013. Practice Patience and Consistency Its so easy to get caught up in the thought train of instant gratification and impatience with the efforts you put in. Patience is hard. Consistency is hard. Both take practice to be able to realize that everything takes time and what you...


I finally have a wreath that I LOVE that goes with my white tree :D All I had to do was make it but I wanted to do that anyway lol Michael's this year had WHITE wreaths and garland! I've only been wanting that for about 10 years! We're all coordinated now and its just perfect. I got the wreath at M's for 50% off a couple weeks or so ago then finally got the ornaments to go with it from Target....


I'm still nit picking away at my new blog make over and I've FINALLY found a gallery plugin that I like! I'm slowly adding some stuff to it and trying to link back projects to their posts. Its going to take a while but its finally up! YAY! If this one had front end loading capabilities I'd use it for SOG too but alas it doesn't (maybe I'll email the developer hmmm) So if you click the...


Coming back from CHA I had a whirlwind and a half to do and deal with (which was fab btw) and while I'm good at making the To Do list I wasn't actually taking my To Do list and "scheduling" it. There is a difference between knowing you have an empire state building tall list of things that need to be done and a plan for getting them done. Before I would work until really really late trying to...