Its Color Along Day!
Tonight at 8pm EST I’ll be coloring the digital stamp Snowman and will be talking about coloring snow. We don’t have any on the ground here yet but its not far off.
Here are the colors I’ll be using tonight
Snow: C0, C1, C2, C4, B60, B63, 0, YR30, YR31
Clothing: C0, C1, C2, C4, C5, C7, B60, B63, B66, YR04, YR18
I hope to see you LIVE on Ustream tonight. I might have to have a treat for my faithful Live viewers 🙂
See you there!
ps. tonight is the last for November due to Thanksgiving. I’d love to hear your suggestions for December!
Danni says:
Okay, thinking about something I’d like you to show…coloring pastel colors. I almost always color in bright, vivid colors and actually have been challenged to do something in pastels and don’t know where to begin! 🙂