They're here! They're here! I dare say they look good too! I'm not usually great at giving myself props on things but this was a big BIG project and I think I pulled it off! After CHA we'll put up a virtual version of the catalog on the website too so everyone can see it :) I don't know if we'll have any of these print ones left (as I didn't get enough to hand out to every person who walks by...


Now that its not 110 degrees and my brain is more than a slop of mush in my skull things are starting to get finished up around here. Yesterday was the first day it wasn't hot enough to cook yourself by stepping outside and we don't have full on AC just one window unit that struggled so I was finally able to apply the vinyl for the booth! Above is our logo. I started with that one as it was...


Getting ready for CHA around here as really hit home to me the importance of patience and having a plan in place. I've had a lot of people ask about what the biggest struggles are running your own business and what the challenges are. Do you want to know mine? Impatience. Are you impatient? Do it. Raise your hand. I have both mine up, not that you can see it. :|| No, don't ask how I'm...


The title says it all eh? My hubs was off of work last week, from Tuesday on, and we had the grand plan of getting the bulk of the booth for CHA built. We got stalled on Saturday by some rain but we got really far! A new use for washi tape lol, shelf planning. It took us 4 days to get everything, paint it, do the build, arrange everything, do all the drilling and setting. We ...


50 Days and counting until I'll be leaving for CHA. I've been racking my brain figuring out what I want for a booth design. I've emailed and talked to some very helpful people (props to Smock and Marianne!) and pinned the crap out of the interwebs to pull my ideas together (my favs are the ones above). Now I'm waiting for a few quotes and such back to be able to finish up my design. Then in a...


Being aentrepreneur isn't as simple as having an idea and running with it. The idea is the big starting point but there are some things to consider if you are thinking about making that hobby or idea into a business. I worked on creating my business for 9 months before opening the virtual doors then over a year before it got to the point it became a second full time job in itself to the one...


A few weeks ago Pintrest updated their terms of service and in the next couple days are going to be rolling out another update. When the hubbubfirst started about their terms of service it caused a lot of people to close down or quit using their accounts, I was one of those people. I quit using mine to wait and see what changes would be made. Since then Pintrest has made an update to their...


Some Odd Girl is going to CHA! We're going to have our first booth this summer at Rosemont! That is a pic of the convention center from last year. I've been to this convention center a couple of times and its really nice :) I'll be staying LITERALLY across the street at the Embassy. I've known for a bit now but I just got my booth confirmation last night so I've been holding off until then to...


  With a list like that you know there's things to be done! How do you keep all of your "to dos" organized? It actually makes me feel better to lay out all of the big things I can think of in a big color grouped list (I need more colors btw). Each of those has to be broke down into the things that have to be done to do it but still. If I leave it all up in my mind it can get...


to just sit upside down? Anyone? Maybe its a sign that not enough blood is getting to my brain or something but I have had the urge to just sit literally heels over ass for a couple of months now. This might be my most random post ever but all in all it kind of make me wonder... is it a sign of being complacent and subconsciously I want to shake up the norm with an off the wall idea or?...