Leaf Magic, new digi stamp


This week at Some Odd Girl is new digi week! I have a new girl, Leaf Magic, to add to our collection of digi stamp Fairies. She seems like the super girl of fairy land with that up, up, and away pose I think. 

I was REALLY unsure about the layout of this card, as I mentioned in our Facebook Community, and still am going back and forth. I think its a “like” not a “love” with this one but I’m finding it interesting to look at design wise. Weird how that happens sometimes.


I also added week 3’s batch of retirees to our Retirement Sale, a lot of oldies but goodies in there so take advantage of the limited, going bu-bye, supply.




1 Comment
  • Anna Sigga says:

    This card is awesome – love the design and of course your coloring is da bomb!

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