I’ve got a little Speed Coloring Video to share today! You’ll have to excuse my shakey cam, my video set up broke and I didn’t realize this BS’d rig would be soooooo wobbly! I’ve ordered an ACTUAL tripod to do my future videos with so YAY. See what happens when something goes wrong? Its gets you to fix it. I’ve wanted the tripod for a while but thought eh, this is workin fine. Tripod would be better but eh. Well when I shrunk this video down from 45 mintues to 15 it REALLY made the shakes stand out! Its not all as shakey as the beginning but ugh.
The colors I used in this vid are: E40,41,42,43,13,15,18, Y21,23,26, BG11,13,18, BV20,23, Y11,15, YR65,68,W2,4,7
Spring Pup is a digi from next weeks Digital Stamp release by Some Odd Girl 🙂 I realized that I do all of the colored samples for the site (especially the clear sets) and I could be doing videos of that! DUH. So I’ll have more of these in the future.
How is Spring Break for everyone else? Getting alot of coloring or crafting time in?
Lou Mac says:
Thank you so much for sharing this!! Gonna let it buffer then watch it BIG! 🙂
I love your take on things – it gets you to fix it!! SO true.
Spring break. Easter holidays. Meh. WORK!! Sucks the life right outta me! 🙁 xo
Kristy says:
I’m glad I didn’t give anyone motion sickness with shakey cam at the beginning LOL!
Aww! Sorry it sucks Lou! Hopefully you’ll get some “lou time” soon! I’m just home with the kiddos so I think Spring Break is more work for me than normal lol. HUGS!
Mariska says:
Thank you so much for sharing this!! Love to watch you color!! And love the cute puppy… but already told you that :).
Kristy says:
Thanks Mariska! It really was a massive DUH moment and I enjoy doing the speed coloring vids 🙂 its a 2’fer!
Leah Crowe says:
so much fun.. i love watching coloring videos!!!
Your puppy is the cutest! <3
Alcye says:
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing Kristy….and how cute is that little puppy!! hehe can’t wait to nab him up!
Lissa says:
I love how you colored up this puppy! He’s SO ADORABLE! I always learn something new from your videos. 😉
Arabella says:
Hi Kristy, Wow that was so cool! I’m so impressed with all the layers of colour you used to give all that depth to his body and the butterfly is awesome! You’ve got so much patience! I think I must be a lazy colourer… I can’t wait for the Created from Colour class to start!
Zarah says:
Goodness gracious, you’re GOOD!! *in awe*