
In the last couple months especially, for me, its been harder and harder to get enough crafty projects to keep my blog rolling and happy. I actually had a duh moments and realized that that I don’t *have* to share only crafty projects. I don’t know why that notion got stuck in my head but I have lots of things going on so why not share them? So next year, actually starting today ha, I’m not only going to be sharing  just crafty projects here but sketches, art, and biz topics as well. Seems kinda natural eh? I’m excited! AND nervous! I’m not usually one to share my rough pencil sketches, it kinda is weird that it isn’t DONE for me. :3 An artist thing maybe? But I’m challenging myself to do a sketch a day though I’m realistically going to be happy with 3 times a week. Sketches not necessarilly SOG related but just to work my artsy muscles and get in the mood. If that makes sense. So! First go here!

Sketches from the other day 🙂 I doodle a lot of portraits lol.

In 2012 I’m also challenging myself to read more biz books so I’m sure I’ll have things on that too. I just got started on one on my Nook so we’ll see. April at Blacksburg Belle had a list of her top books of the year and I’m going to try and give those a read 🙂 Love her blog! 

So that’s my plan 🙂 I think it’ll be fun and get me to come out of my art shell a lil bit. 

  • Zarah says:

    Lo0ve your sketches! You’re TOO talented, my friend! ♥

    • Kristy says:

      You, lady, are too sweet by far!

      • Zarah says:

        Never. Just honest.
        Sometimes, though, when I visit you – I feel a bit silly. Like I’ve said it all before. Like I just keep rabbling compliments, and none of them are very new or freshly put. Nevertheless: every word is true. (Even if the wording is, sometimes, old. ;))

        • Kristy says:

          You can be the person to sit with me with pompoms telling me lovely things if you want? XD I can’t say it would pay well lol.

          • Zarah says:

            Payment schmayment. I can bring my gingerbread tiramisu and marinated satsumas and you can show me some techniques and just draw stuff that makes me go all swoony? Deal? ;D

            (Let’s have Kellie over, too? We’ll discuss pretty men and eat tiramisu and craft until we’re all silly… More than we were to begin with, even!! ;))

  • eef says:

    Sounds like a good direction to go in! Love these sketches and can’t wait to see what else you’ll post!

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks tons! It helps to know that people won’t laugh at my sketches 🙂

  • Marilyn says:

    Girlie you share whatever you’d like on your blog, no one would mind seeing some sketches. I love seeing works in progress. 🙂

    • Kristy says:

      HUGS! I think its my perfectionist thing coming thru. lol. Can’t wait to see the new things you’ve been working on too btw!!!

  • Pops says:

    Hey sweetie, these look fab it is great to see them like this, they are both cuties, wish I had half your talent, sadly not one tad of any talent what so ever lmao, Hope you had a relaxing holiday sweetie hugs pops x

    • Kristy says:

      I’ve seen your creations Pops, definitely got talent! :DD HUGS!

  • Faye says:

    Ooooh, I’m gonna be singing that all day now!! You are a tease with these pencil drawings, very cutesome. I’m looking forward to reading your posts in 2012. 🙂 xx

    • Kristy says:

      Me too! LOL! chchchchanges! Shrek! ha. 🙂 HUGS!

  • sammi says:

    What a great idea! Looking forward to seeing what you post and your sketches too.. I LOVE seeing your sketches!!

    • Kristy says:

      :DD fancy phone makes posting sketches easier. Totally looking forward to 2012!

  • Leanne says:

    Gr8 idea for 2012. Love the two sketches you have, I really wish I hadn’t stopped when I was a kid and into Middle School. Now I’m lucky if I can draw a circle with eyes and a mouth. You inspire us, so happy with your new challenges for 2012. And yes, fancy phones are the best..
    Happy New Year!

    • Kristy says:

      You can always start again! Practice goes a long way! 🙂

  • Leah Crowe says:

    How lucky are WE to get to see all those sketches????
    I can’t wait to see what you share this year. 🙂

    • Kristy says:

      :eeep: You’re making ME excited!!! :DD

  • Natalie says:

    I had the exact same crisis, luckily it was early in my blog’s lifespan. The Features list is growing all the time. Just open up and let it all out!

    • Kristy says:

      Love your blog Natalie!!! Amazing photography! I’m going to let it out! Maybe not all of it… I might keep my exclamations of DUDE! and YO! to myself lol

  • Michelle Hernandez says:

    I like that you post these as well- it gives great insight into your creative process.

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