Meet my new love 🙂 She needs a name. She’s definitely a she, not a he, you can tell when you hold her (so affectionate!). She is my Alto Saxophone. I rescued her, she used and it shows, she had been sitting in someone’s house for a couple of years so neglected! They wanted to learn to play but never got around to it. I have been wanting to get back into playing for my own enjoyment so the price was right and she’s now mine! 🙂
I played in HS. My main instrument was the trumpet, which I still have and can whip out and play a diddy, but I never got a great “feel” from playing it. My technical skills and execution were great, not so much now lol, but I never was full of passion. Junior year I also picked up the Alto and we were just in love! I loved to just improvise and sit and enjoy playing. So blissful! Last week in my Class the behaviorist challenged us to find something to do that is for us alone. Not work relatable, done for others, or anything but for yourself alone.
The whole class that day was on self care.
I brought home a self evaluation sheet from that class and oh so failed miserably! So finding that “thing for me” was top on my list and my hubs. We had a 3 hour talk that night about the list and he went over it with me. He’s now totally mother hen-ing me but I can’t say I don’t enjoy it 🙂
So my sax is my thang. My ME thang. She’s going in to Meyer Music for a once over and tune up. She has one key that is a little weird and needs another screw for the ligature and she’ll be good to go! She’s a Selmer Bundy, great brand, and I’m thrilled she’s part of the fam! With today’s power outage (6.5 hours people, it hasn’t even been on 45 min yet!) I got out the cleaning cloth and gave her a good shine 🙂 It was so nice! I can’t wait to jam!
Zarah says:
She’s very pretty! She looks like a Juliet to me. Or maybe a Rita, because she’s classy and curvy and strong, like Rita Hayworth. 🙂
Leah the Orange says:
OMG, girlfriend! she is HAWT! i didn’t know you played! wanna join our band?
Kristy says:
YES! 😀 lol! You might have to let me practice a wee bit and get back into it first. Juliet (maybe name) is in the shop for a tune up and 8 new pads.