Happy Birthday Chicka!

Happy 6th Birthday Chicka!!!

Momma is going to be spending alot of today getting your birthday ready. Cleaning house, decorating your cake and hanging balloons and streamers 🙂 We both know how much you like surprises so I want to have it all done by the time you get home from school at 3:10pm. You don’t know it yet but your cake will be hello kitty sitting on a cloud of frosting with a rainbow and you’ll have white balloons and rainbow streamers (streamers are a must for chicka, momma knows 😉 ) .

You took your Hello Kitty cupcakes to school this morning so full of birthday happiness, I can’t wait until you get home and you can see what we have for you! Dude is here with me and is excited to help me get ready! We love you!

  • Patricia says:

    Happy Birthday to your little girl, what a cuttie she is and what beautiful blue eyes. I hope she has a very special day!!

  • Cupkay says:

    omg, I LOVEEEE YOUR BLOG! You’re so inspiring 🙂

    extremely glad I found you, love your artwork!


  • Danni says:

    What fun photos! Hope she has a great birthday!

  • sammi says:

    Awww so sweet! Happy Birthday to your sweet chicka!! Hope you got everything done on time and it was a lovely surprise!!

  • Zima says:

    Great photos! :yes:

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