I had a request a bit back for a tut about doing a specific hair color. Since I have a voice again I gave it a go! Check out the vid for all the deets
Just as a refresher the colors I used are E74, E77, E79, E49 W1, W3,W5,W7. You could probably pair that down by a couple but its what I used to get this exact color.
I mentioned in the vid that I was working from a reference photo of Megan Fox (jealous of her hair!!! seriously, mine is never so full and its thin so is never so lovely long BOO) to try and match the color. Here’s the pic
gobeagirl says:
Hi Kristy. This is exactly what I was talking about. Thanks you soooo much for making this video. I can not wait to have five minutes to sit and give it a try. I think I will have to quickly sit and watch this a couple of more times before I give it a go. lol….Anyway thanks again, I know I was one of the people to ask you for this. Both of my children have very dark hair just like this. Hugs and Merry Christmas. Lisa G
mojodawn says:
Hi Kristy! I am just poppin' around spreading Christmas cheer! Happy Holidays to you…love your style! 🙂
norma says:
Wow this is the most beautiful brown hair I have seen done with copics. Great job. :chick:
Lizzy Smith says:
I was wondering what I should do or if you had a suggestion when I dont have one of the colors in the base color set. Such as in the E50, E51,E53, and E55, I dont have the E55. This video for example I am missing the E44.
You are amazing with hair by the way.
Kristy says:
Do you mean you’re missing the E49? For any combo I’d use the closest color you have on hand (for hair it won’t matter as much either) if its a blending situation using a Tip to Tip or Pallet Blending Technique would be your best bet 🙂 HTH!