I’m here in my corner…

I’m calling my blog My Corner of the Studio because I literally take up one corner of the studio πŸ™‚ . I would love to be able to talk more about scrapping with ladies who are interested in the products and the creativeness and the layouts rather than swapping. I like doing an occasional swap (like once every 6 months) but scrapbooking is more for me and getting a creative outlet that not only I enjoy but benefits my family.

Funny part about my title is I just got the ok from my hubby to switch corners lol! I didn’t realize it at the time but I picked the smaller corner of the two. For my birthday we are going to flip the room which will give me more storage and lots more counter space!!! I’m geeked! We just have to finish a couple other projects around the house and we can get that going. My bday is Oct 12 and I plan on having it done by then. I think I like organizing my space as much as i like working in it! You can catch me here (such a newbie at this), Cafemom and Two Peas in a Bucket. Leave me a comment and let me know you’re here πŸ™‚

  • Diane Davies says:

    Nice! Love all the organization. I’m rearranging some stuff in mine right now. Once I finish, I’ll post before and after pics. I’m going to add your link to my blog too. Nice to have another Cafemom blogger!

  • Sandra Lomas says:

    Hi. Happy belated birthday to you!! that’s my birthday too. i just found your site through Donna Downey’s. i’m in the process of re-organizing my space too. i also like to organize my space as much as i like working in it. LOL there might be something wrong about that! i hope you are enjoying new corner. πŸ™‚

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